€ 5.00 (+IVA)

Hair Bleaches Lighteners
gradual release alkaline taste and color trendy fashion
Absolutely unique in its smart technology Five Step Fusion System, recognizing the type and condition of the hair, adjusts intensity and penetration forces within the hair structure.
Ensures perfect gray coverage, uniformity, brilliant colors, outstanding grip and a lightening of up to 5 tones with superlightening series. It is recommended for all those customers with color taste extremely fashionable and trendy, lovers of shades brighter and more obvious, but still very natural, with pearly tints.
Shades 97 divided in the natural, natural gold, gold, copper, ash, VIOLET, ICE HOT CAKE, MAHOGANY, RED GLAMOUR, RED FLAMING, INTENSIVE FLAME, BLONDERS SUPER, HIGH LIFT & sbquo, SUPER HIGH LIFT
box: astucciato tube 100 ml, diluted 1:1.5 with Developer. Astucciato tube 75 ml, diluted 1:2.5 with Developer
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